
Personal → 2023

Welcome to Ljungsbro - a small community in Östergötland where there isn’t much activity going on, but which I proudly call home. The inspiration for this project came to me because of the fact that Ljungsbro is an unknown place for many. But that doesn't mean there aren't things here that we know about. For example, the Cloetta factory and Göta Kanal.

My goal with this project was to capture an essence based on my personal interpretation of Ljungsbro. My inspiration is based a lot on the history here but also the desire to leave behind my own trace of history but from a modern time.
For this project I've used InDesign and Lightroom.

Every photo in this poster is taken - and edited by me.
"Social Media"

Schoolproject → 2021

Sharp case! In everyday life, we scroll past most of our flows. Therefore, we were challenged to create content in one hour where we designed ourselves in an attractive way for the labor market. The requirements were that the content should contain an image of ourselves, reflect ourselves and somehow stand out in the crowd.
For this project I've used Photoshop and Illustrator.
Poster "C-19"

Personal → 2020

The least I can say about 2020 is that it was a bad year for all of us in many different ways.
But inspiration can also come from what has been worse and therefore I wanted to make my personal interpretation of this difficult year.
For this project I've used InDesign.
Typographic Expression

Schoolproject → 2020

I was given this task with the guidelines to first select a favorite quote and then make an interpretation of the quote only by using letters, color and shape.

Quote: "Be yourself, everyone else is taken."
For this project I've used InDesign and Photoshop.

The mockup on the start page is created - and edited  by me.

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